Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama: Not to Offend

Fellow viewers,
I have found an editorial that was very interesting to me and I figured since I already have to critique an editorial, it might as well be something you all might think is interesting. In any case, the editorial that I chose to critique was posted around an hour before I started my post. It caught my attention because with everything going on in the elections I wanted to see how things were going with President Obama and Mitt Romney. I hadn't seen much of the last debate so I was interested in what I was missing. The title of this editorial was called "Obama Agenda Seeks Mostly Not to Offend." At first I thought that Obama offended Romney in some way or manner but I stood corrected.

In the beginning, it was stating that President Obama had not stated anything about a possible plan if he were to win the election. It also stated that his campaign figured that it would be better to "focus on tearing down Romney and denying Republican challenger avenues of attack." Later on he stated that he finally released his plan as a brochure called A Plan for Jobs & Middle Class Security. Saying that it was well presented and explained certain things, I thought he had a change of heart. However, he stated that it was largely besides the point. Some aspects of his brochure talked about how curbing benefits about social security and Medicare. However, the author stated not to expect anymore information until some time in November. Around the end of the editorial he stated that he needed to go beyond attacking Mitt Romney then said that as a proposal, it was designed mostly not to offend. However, the blame was not only Obama in the end. He stated that Romney needed a bit of work as well. That was about the jest of it.

Personally, as I read I thought that he wasn't providing enough information. For one, I did not understand why the editorial was named "Obama Agenda Seeks Mostly Not to Offend"and he did not explain what was the point he wanted Obama to talk about instead of those other topics. I also believe that he was jumping to conclusions in one part of the editorial where he stated not to expect anymore on the needs to curb benefits on social security and Medicare. Those topics did not really appeal to me but he was getting a little ahead of himself on things like that in his editorial. I would be more careful on those sorts of things in order to avoid conflict with other people.

You can find the link to this editorial here:

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