Friday, October 19, 2012

Mitt Romney's Version of Equal Rights

Fellow viewers,
I have been reading through editorials and found one that I have taken a liking to. The article came from the New York Times and was called "Mitt Romney's Version of Equal Rights." When I read the date of the article, I saw that it had been posted only one day after the most recent debate which took place on October 16, 2012; so something must have gone good or horribly wrong for Mr. Romney. In any case I began reading.
As I read, right from the beginning President Obama "attacked" Mitt Romney for criticizing the health care law that required employers to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives. Mitt Romney responded that every woman in America has access to contraceptives. However, the editorial stated that he forgot something. The fact that while governor, Romney vetoed a bill allowing women who were raped access to a emergency contraceptive. It stated indirectly that he was contradicting himself. Later in the reading it stated that Mr. Romney's plan to end the federal funding of Planned Parenthood would stop many poor women from services such as family planning, cervical cancer screening and other services, thus, giving President Obama the perfect time to strike. He stated that this plan was "a pocketbook issue for women and families all across the country." The remainder of this editorial included Mr. Romney making matters worse for himself to the point where the author says that his political consultants were yelling "Stop!"

This editorial clearly stated Mitt Romney's downfall in this debate but it does not talk about the good things that he stated leaning this author's prospective over to the Democratic side. Although I did not have the opportunity to watch the debate I believe that what the author wrote is a bit too one-sided. If you are going to talk about all of Mitt Romney's mistakes it would make your claim a little more creditable if you were to incorporate some of the positive aspects (if any) of what Mitt Romney discussed with President Obama. I also believe that they should have come to more clear solutions instead of adding maybes with some of the things that Mitt Romney talked about. For example, the author stated, "Perhaps Mr. Romney forgot that he vetoed a bill as Massachusetts governor in 2005 that would have given women who were raped access to emergency contraception, or that he supported an amendment this year that would have allowed any business to opt out of the contraceptive mandate, or that he has said he would support a state constitutional amendment that would declare that life begins at conception." Several of these ideas were found in this article.

Although the author could have been a little more detailed with Romney's ideas, I believe that he thoroughly dissected this particular issue in the debate and has caught a lot of contradictions. You can find the link to this article below:

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