Sunday, September 30, 2012

Political Autobiography

Hello blog viewers, my name is Rashad Muhammad and I will be posting on this blog about what has been going on in politics and the government. However, before I begin posting I would like to share with you my political background. Currently, I have not had any political experiences such as voting, or working for political parties due to my age (13), but I hope to gain knowledge of the political world through completing and participating in course work and discussions jn my first U.S. Government course. I am seeking political knowledge from this class and hope to learn many interesting things from not only my professor but my peers and other people who comment on my blogs. You are more than welcome to comment on anything that I post and I hope that you enjoy my blog. Any questions you would like to ask me can be posted under comments as well. I look forward to seeing the comments that will be posted by my viewers. Thank you.

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